So I decided to finish naming our chickens yesterday. I'm copying Adam & Erin's method of naming them after "famous but obscure" women. Except my ladies aren't really that famous or obscure, but have had an impact on me in some way. Also, our Barred Rocks (the black & white ones) are a little slow, so I'm naming them after a few inspirational men instead. :)
Rosie is the leader of the pack - she was initially named by Becca - but is also named after the great
Rosa Parks, who had the strength to stand up for what was right. She helps remind me that one person really can make a difference.

The other Rhode Island Reds are Toni, Jodi, Ricki & Miranda:
Toni Weschler for teaching women to listen to their own bodies;
Ricki Lake for producing The Business of Being Born;
Jodi Picoult for writing great novels about controversial issues; and
Miranda July for trying to convince non-artists that there is really no such thing. Then there's Ani, the lone Black Sex-Link (of course she was off doing her own thing, so she's not in the picture). She's named after two Ani's actually -
Ani DiFranco for being a fierce individualist and incredible musician; and
Ani Phyo - for bringing raw food "uncooking" to the masses.

The Barred Rocks are Morgan, Andy & Allie:
Morgan Spurlock for his mind-changing media creations,
Andrew Bird for being the coolest whistler, singer and violin player EVER (except for my sister of course - who introduced me to his music), and
Al Gore for all the work he has done spreading the news about what we are doing to our planet!
Yay for chickens!!
Um...some of your hens have boy names. I think there was something on Oprah about that.
and Andrew Weil!
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