The better part of this lovely misty dewy Friday morning was spent in attack-mode. It was me vs. the blackberries. And let me tell was viscious. There are a few more old apple trees to save from the twisted tangle of those thorny branches, but I think I'm done for today. On a better berry note, check out the raspberries I picked today!! Unfortunately, I cannot say they come from our little patch of heaven (yet!). They come from Together Gardens, a no spray u-pick farm out in the county. Only $1.50/lb!! Thanks to Adam & Erin for introducing us and to Patricia for growing such amazing berries (and not spraying them with icky chemicals!!) We're trying to stock up for winter. So far we have 11 quarts of raspberries (should be 16 after today's batch), 6 quarts of strawberries, and 3 pints of strawberry jam in the freezer. I guess we'll see if it's enough! 

8 years ago
Yum! Glad to see the berry attacking was eventful! I bet Brindzi was a big help ;-)
Those trees over there definitely need some lovin' care. Good luck.
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