I learned that one of my co-workers, Stan, kept bees and started quizzing him about what to do. Over the next several weeks I read up on bees and bought the basics of equipment.
Everything was ready and Stan came over today to show me what to do and help me straighten things out.
First we decided that the hive was not in the best spot. Since the hive is right next to the trees it doesn't get sun until 10:30 or 11:00 in the morning. That means the bees are mostly just sitting on their butts all morning waiting for it to warm up. We decided to put the hive on a piece of plywood that I will move a little bit each day until they make it to their new, sunnier location. It will be a kind of Incredible Journey for bees!
We also straightened out some frames that were not racked in the hive correctly and added another deep hive body. As the bees build upwards into the new deep they will move out of the old boxes which can then be removed and cleaned up.
The pictures show the hive before we started, me in full regalia, me blowing smoke into the hive, Stan levering apart some frames, and the hive put back t
Yay for bees and yay for Paul's first official post!
I'm wuite interested in how your beekeeping adventures turn out.
Wouldn't an Incredible Journey for bees involve them venturing back to the former location of their hive, perhaps even bringing the hive with them, as a team, in an amazing demonstration of incredibleness?
HURRAY!!! I've always wanted to keep bees, and now I can live out that dream vicariously, through you!
and I'll second that second yay too, for Paul's first post. I love keeping up with you guys on here.
I meant to say.
Happy Bee Day, Paul.
(and it's OUTTA THE PARK! thanks for the killer set up.)
That is super cool. It's amazing - even though they don't know you from Adam (or Erin), and you've got the roof of their house busted wide open, they seem to mostly be moping around instead of attacking you. Is that because you had hit em with a bunch of smoke prior to taking the lid off?
I'm also curious as to what a beehive smells like. Does it smell like honey, or not that pleasant?
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